The Sea and The Sailor—Ivan Konstantin Aivazovsky

Born in a Port town, Feodosia, Ivan Konstantin Aivazovsky’s calling was the great waters. He loved paintings the sea and loved the waves that represented the ever-so-powerful nature. He painted the dilemma between men and the powers of nature. His love for the sea got him to paint one after another seascapes and each of those apintings are remembered to be some of the greatest depictions of the sea ever captured through humanity’s paintbrush. When the canvas is as vast as the sea, there is hardly any limit to one’s colour and Ivan Konstantin Aivazovsky chose the tranlucent blues of the waves. His depictions of light upon the waves and the sea was especially significant and could touch the chord of any sailor in love with the sea. Ivan Konstantin Aivazovsky was a great lover of the seas and this love of the waters and the waves has always driven his oeuvre. Check out the artworks of  Ivan Konstantin Aivazovsky and know all about the life of the seminal artist and his life in the sea.

The Russian-Armenian painter belonged to the Romantic school of painting and he was especially known for his brilliant depictions of the seascapes. For these sea scapes he was considered one of the most celebrated marine artists in the history of marine painting. He travelled throughout Europe and lived briefly in Italy. After his return to Russia he was appointed the official marine painter of Russian Navy. He had an elaborate career spanning nearly 6 decades and through his 60 years of journey he created no lesser than 6000 paintings along with holding 55 solo exhibitions in Europe and United States.

He was so popular that popularity of the painter caught on to the phrase “worthy of Aivazovsky’s brush”. The phrase was first coined by the seminal writer Anton Chekhov in a play that he has written back in 1897, titled, “Uncle Vanya”. This made a huge impact in solidifying the artist’s lasting importance to the history of Russian art. Explore the journey through the sailing waters and know all about the art of Ivan Konstantin Aivazovsky. If you are intrigued even more read up on the biographies of Ivan Konstantin Aivazovsky, this could be your window to the magnanimus life upon the waves and the view of the sea-shore.


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