Maurice de Vlaminck – The French Fauve Artist

The life of the French Fauve artist offers an inquisitive journey of innovation. Maurice de Vlaminck, the French artist seems to be in a kind of artistic competition with the legendary Picasso, the iconic artist and the famous womanizer. What these two had in common was their peculiar ability to innovate. Maurice de Vlaminck was again a rebellious soul and he practiced his art to express his rebellion against the traditional practice. Both of these two iconic artists were uncannily unique and though Maurice de Vlaminck could hardly compete with the notoriety of egotistical Picasso, he did share his ability to create something entirely new from the scratch like Picasso. What Cubism was to Picasso, Maurice de Vlaminck got the same sting from colours, the bright and the explosive ones. Like his fellow Fauves including André Derainand Henri Matisse, Maurice de Vlaminck too was drawn towards the expressive defining colours of Fauvism.

These colours that Fauvists cherished were like firecrackers. They were outrageous in their unconventional attributes. These depictions were something entirely unique, so much so that they earned the group a very influential place in the history of art, unlike any other art school. Another very unique point about Maurice de Vlaminck was that he did rail against the developments of abstraction, when, he was the one along with other Fauvist artists who pioneered the initiations of modernist abstraction. Explore the journey of this unique Fauvist artist and check out the works he has done through his tenure of work. Maurice de Vlaminck’s oeuvre captures his unique usage of colours and exploring the artworks of Maurice de Vlaminck will enable you to map through his journey. If you want to know more about Maurice de Vlaminck artworks and journey, read up on the biography of Maurice de Vlaminck.

Maurice de Vlaminck’s Fauvist group of painters did pioneer something entirely unique but in actuality they carried the established approach of the Impressionists. Like them, Fauvists also rejected the conventions and innovated with the themes that they used. They preferred using themes of everyday life situations. Fauvists did not conform to the traditions of depicting mythological scenes, histories or painted notable personalities. Maurice de Vlaminck’s paintings often showcased unremarkable cityscapes or landscapes alongside the denizens of Parisian nightlife. But these frames were rendered lively and full of striking colours owing to the bright Fauvist palette, unnatural and unique. Explore the artworks of Maurice de Vlaminck and if you like his practice read up on Maurice de Vlaminck biography.


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